Friday, February 13, 2015

     On February 13, the New York Times published an article titled "Obama Signs Suicide Prevention for Veterans Act Into Law". The story is that a young veteran, Clay Hunt, returned home after serving and struggled with PTSD, eventually taking his own life. The unfortunate truth is that this law is going into action for the very reason that Hunt's tale is not isolated. In the article, the author claims that some people estimate 22 U.S. veterans kill themselves each day. Offering multiple new ways for homecoming military members to gain help, this law is one step toward ensuring they have access to the effective healthcare that they need. 
     The reason this article is worth reading is because the bill passed unanimously in both houses of Congress. I believe our lawmakers are sending us, the American people, a very clear message: it is not their job alone to help our veterans when they need someone. As he was signing the bill into law, President Obama called upon Americans to become involved in aiding our veterans. Perhaps we can prevent those 22 deaths if we all pay attention and take action. The new law is named in honor of Clay Hunt.

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